Contacts: comment if you wish to share
social: @natashabailleres @weBreathe__ website:
social: @natashabailleres @weBreathe__ website:
You received an email from Red Cross for your CPR course that has been paid for- you just click the link to get started. I am notified and receive a copy of your finished CPR certification after completion so no need to email them. Do your best to complete this by next Sunday :)
xo Practice, Practice, Practice.
Cues to engage In Bandhas were in your course work this past week.
Review and Practice. Just like a muscle, It'll grow time.
Happy Sunday! For me, my meditations and breathwork practice is most effective after incorporating some sort of movement to my body first, from going for a run, light stretching, or a full body workout. With Reiki, I perform on myself first thing in the morning to be align with my personal energy before venturing out to the world. I'm still trying to memorizing the level 2 symbols and find myself writing them out to ingrain them to my memory. The lesson plan has show me areas I need to slow down, what music/frequencies would best go along with each technique, and being aware of the client/audience's needs.
Wonderful Julio! I love that you are tuning into your body and needs. Notice how this changes during different times of life and when breath can be of service. Feel free to incorporate movement in your lesson plan to kick off your offering.
The symbols are tough but it’s great drawing them is assisting you remember. Thanks for sharing this tip with the crew. The first 2 are most helpful for me in my offerings.
Great job 👏