Hi Beautiful Breathers!
I'm just in awe at the synchronicity and support of being immersed in this training with you all at this time... when air is compromised, dense sensations in the body can be activated and we have this potent invitation to return to and deepen out breath :).
This week, I loved using weRlease with a weBreathe intro (especially in the mornings as I am just waking up). Yesterday I had the coolest experience/sensation/invitation post breathwork:
It was like I was walking, dancing, moving, vribtating on the texture/currency/consciousness of SILVER: sturdy but ephemeral, cool & calm, strong & shimmery & electric, kind of life Saturn's rings near & afar, and I was gliding on this cool, beautiful line of sensation in me and around me -- it was AMAZING !!!!! 🩶 And lasted throughout the morning ;)
And this was just after a few minutes! I'm in awe 😍
So excited to see you all in-person today OMMMGGGODDDESSS!! Also agree with Sierra about finding the "right" music to support the practice... but I guess the intention is first and foremost 💘